🏠 TGI-∞ at Stanford: ✨ Mary Liu (Celestia), ⚛️ Ventali Tan (Lita) Fireside Chats
Last week Stanford Blockchain Conference, we hosted 5 technical fireside chats on Web∞ – Crypto ∩ AI > Web3, exploring blockchain use cases, data availability, social wallets, Telegram AI bots, zero-knowledge infrastructure, and virtual machines.
Speakers are: Mary Liu (Celestia), Aaron Li (Modulo), Ventali Tan (Lita), Kartin Wong (Hyper Oracle), Vera Li (Pink Ape) – hosted by Stephen Tse & Li Jiang (Harmony), Zi Wang (Timeless), Kushagra Shrivastava (Blue Print).
Web3 are decentralized, scalable and secure platforms to settle any transactions without trusted parties. AI developers can use onchain tokens for micro-payments, smart contracts for market pricing, and zero-knowledge proofs for data privacy.
🌟 Mary Liu: Head of Bussiness Development at Celestia
The community has also been instrumental in deploying over 800 rollups on Celestia’s Blockspace Race network, which was a major milestone on the testnet. – 2023 Blockspace Odyssey
What’s your journey to Web3?
Applied Mathematics at Columbia; scholars at Harvard, West Point, Tsinghua; 12 working expereince at ventures, governments, labs.
Celestia: From Fraud proofs & Data availability to Modular architecture?
Based on the 2018’s peer-reviewed paper “Fraud and Data Availability Proofs: Maximising Light Client Security and Scaling Blockchains with Dishonest Majorities” (Mustafa Al-Bassam, Alberto Sonnino, Vitalik Buterin).
Celestia’s Blockspace Race: 800 rollups?
Compare ecosystem and business development of Ethereum vs Cosmos vs Arbitrium.
When mainnet?
Nick White drives as COO, and Ganesha Upadhyaya as Senior Research Engineer.
End game at EthCC: scalability vs composability?
Per Delphi Digital’s report: Mustafa starts by defining what is scalability. Throughput vs cost for end user to verify chain. How do we achieve this? Only possible with fault + validity proofs and data availability sampling. We can still achieve censorship-resistance and end-user verifiability in a world of centralized block producers. Specifically on the endgame: will be easier to deploy app on own chain vs. smart contract. Not a good reason for apps to share computation – even as Vitalik counters a bit, says biggest exception is composability.
Crypto ∩ AI > Web3?
My daily use of generative AI tools vs. my favourite Stable Diffusion models.
0️⃣ Ventali Tan – Co-founder of Lita & Delendum
The incorporation of the new Brakedown encoding in Plonky3 has dramatically increased proving speeds, enabling the encoding of witness data at approximately 1.2 GB/s. Initial estimates suggest a proving rate of around 4 MHz using a single CPU-only machine, making this solution notably faster than current alternatives—nearly three orders of magnitude. – Lita
Your ZK Journey?
From Duke University on Physics and computer science, Redpoint Ventures on blockchain infrastructure, to Hillhouse to zero-knowledge proofs.
Fellowship and residency programs Mentors: Eli Ben-Sasson (StarkWare), Andrew Miller (UIUC), Brian Retford (RISC0). Research work and collaboration on Plonky3 benchmarks, Valida zkVM, circuit compilation strategies.
Our mission “Making cryptographic computation universally applicable and practical”. ZK Apps with templates, dashboards, forums? Fair marketplaces, Perfect matching. Why RISC instruction sets, why STARK.
Circuit compilers, Formal verification, Functional languages.
Proof aggregation layer vs prover services. Compare Rust, Cairo, Leo. Virtual machine customization for entreprise.
Sign up for the next event at harmony.one/event. The full program is on harmony.one/crypto-ai-web3 (8/31 Thursday, 3-6pm, in Palo Alto (near Cal Ave CalTrain station).
3:00pm 🤝: Introduction + refreshment drinks
3:20: Mary Liu (Celestia), with Stephen Tse (Harmony) Layer 2: Data availability, Modular architecture, Fraud proofs
3:40: Aaron Li (Modulo), with Zi Wang (Timeless) Telegram ∩ AI: Small social groups, OnlyBots tokens, Self-custody wallets
4:00: Kartin Wong (Hyper Oracle), with Li Jiang (Harmony) ZK proofs: Graph’s indexing, ChainLink’s feeds, ML circom circuits
4:20: Vera Li (Bored Chili), with Kushagra Shrivastava (Blue Print) Pink Apes: Friend.tech as Social NFT, Fashion on Stable Diffusion, Metaverse DAO
4:40: Ventali Tan (Lita), with Stephen Tse (Harmony) ZK proofs: Cryptographic infrastructure, Prover services, Plonky3 toolkits
5:00pm 🥂: Terun pizzas + refreshment drinks