HUMAN Protocol: ⚙️ Aligning Hearts 🫀 ⟷ 🤖 Bots in Social A(G)I
HUMAN connects your Telegram number + YouTube email + Binance wallet for #meme launchpad. Our generative model brings daily videos of crypto news or cultural bits to 100M subscribers. That is, an AI that fills your HEART and makes you LAUGH!
Our prediction market polls community wisdom into social capital, and aligns bots of general intelligence with human feedback. Vox populi, vox Dei – the voice of the people is the voice of A(G)I.
HUMAN Protocol has the following three components:
QUESTS. Our Telegram app @human1bot has a singular mission: Verify 1 million Binance accounts for $HUMAN token launch. Point boosts if your Telegram account is old or your Binance portfolio has active assets. Our fun and social quests typically convert 10% of our subscribers.
LAUNCHPAD. Our generative AI @Sam creates a 5-minute 1080p video, 3 stylized shorts and unlimited WebP stickers within 60 minutes of any memecoin submission. Daily auctions of projects by the highest engagement for exchange launch + market makers + leveraged liquidity – along with 100 days of news stories and original visuals via media partners.
PREDICTION. Our onchain prediction @1Market taps into the social capital of Gen Z’s battles of opinions in small groups and their bonding from digital experience. As perpetual futures of not only coins or prices, but also reinforcement learning aligned for humans’ hearts and feedback.
Stephen Tse and Zi Wang have been working together weekly since 2017 on projects TGI ML (ex-Google founders), Voice AI (speech understanding), Third Planet (housing tokens), Harmony Protocol (sharding consensus), and Timeless Wallet (social capital). Stephen obtained a PhD and worked at Microsoft, Google, and Apple. Zi was Android’s creative director and founded a Google research lab.
Humans. We use prediction markets for aligning generative models via reinforcement learning human feedbacks (RLHF). We aim to improve standard benchmarks currently at 20% human level that 1market can improve 1% weekly, achieving the 90% superhuman level in 18 months.
Memes. Our reward model MakeMeLaugh trains for memecoin launchpad and daily campaigns. Imagine a yellow team (of Minions) – similar to OpenAI’s red teams MakeMePay on manipulation for others to make a payment or MakeMeSay on deception for others to say a codeword.
🫀⟷ 🤖 HUMAN Protocol
Aligning Hearts & Bots in Social A(G)ITelegram + YouTube + Binance
Verify your wallet 👛 assets with cryptographic 🛡️ privacy.#meme videos ⇝ WebP stickers
Launchpad with an AI that fills my 💝 and makes me 🤣.1Market on predictions & perpetuals
Voices for social 🐒 capital and reinforcement 🌳 learning.
Privacy. Only “The Trusted Party” can learn that two wallets are connected and reveal their details. For example, a Telegram user since 2013 has a Binance account with $1M assets. On the client side without sending any data to servers, our app will encrypt her Telegram info (wallet address + signup date) and her Binance info (wallet address + asset amount). The encrypted info and connections will be stored on public blockchain. The Trusted Party, either Telegram or Binance in this case, will download all data and decrypt fully offline to match against its internal customer database – revealing a user’s addresses and details across all wallets, but only if that specific user has an account with the Trusted Party. Our blockchain, or any users, or other companies cannot learn anything about connections at all.
Progress. We have done extensive research and prototypes in Harmony Ecosystem – including @human1bot on social A(G)I, for perpetual options, @1Market for election predictions, @Sam for voice AI, Hod1 for staking game, Invincible Change for meme videos, #Hash^Power in Shard 1, Timeless for smart wallet, and 100M subscribers as social capital.
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